Monday, July 16, 2012

Safe Cleaning Products For Babies|0161 408 2691|Domestic Cleaning South Manchester

Safe Cleaning Products For Babies- House Cleaners South Manchester 0161 408 2691Are Cleaning Products Safe For Babies? is giving you 1 HOUR OF CLEANING FREE no obligation, and using baby and family friendly cleaning products at no extra cost to you.
Call House Cleaners South Manchester Today!! -We clean your home using the very best cleaning products around with safe cleaning products for babies

Are you using safe cleaning products for babies and are they safe?
Yes, as long as you make sure you have plenty of fresh air circulating where you'll be working. This will reduce the amount of chemicals you'll breathe in. Also make sure you wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt so you don't get the cleaning products on your skin.

There are a few cleaning jobs where you may want to take extra precautions, or ask someone else to do it:
• Cleaning the oven. Oven cleaners give off a lot of fumes and it's hard to get good ventilation in such a tight space.
• Using aerosol cleaning products. They spread the chemicals in a fine mist which you're more likely to breathe in.

Are you using safe cleaning products for babies at bathtime?
Many people wrongly assume that more care is put into the manufacture of baby and kids' products, that somehow purer and better ingredients are used for baby shampoos, powders and soaps.

Baby Oil: What is baby oil, exactly? Baby oil is 100% mineral oil, which is a petroleum by-product, usually with fragrance added (usually synthetic and also toxic). Baby oil, or mineral oil, coats the skin like plastic wrap and clogs the skin's pores.

Contact us we only use safe cleaning products for babies we're the best House Cleaners South Manchester 0161 408 2691

Are you using safe Cleaning Products Safe For Babies? Look at the ingredients in the products to make your own decision

Soap: Baby soaps contain many of the same harmful emulsifiers and ingredients that "adult" soaps contain, namely fragrance, dye, mineral oil, antibacterial chemicals, ammonia, formaldehyde, glycols, phenol, BHA/BHT.Look at the ingredient list when purchasing organic baby soap and stay away from soaps that contain these ingredients
A study of respiratory health showed a clear connection between children's breathing problems and their mothers' heavy use of common cleaning products in pregnancy, so it makes sense to be sensible.

Chemicals to steer clear of in the home include: triclosan, an anti-bacterial agent found in cleaning products, disinfectant hand wash and toothpaste (which has a possible link with liver damage); alkypheonols, found in detergents (which are linked to sperm damage), and artificial musks found in perfumes (linked to cancer).

Contact us to clean your home as we only use safe cleaning products for babies we are the most thorough House Cleaners South Manchester 0161 408 2691 if you want a thorough cleaning without the nasty smells and chemical aftertaste.

Are safe cleaning Products Safe For Babies in your kitchen cupboard? If you have a toddler then think again.
Most babies and toddlers spend much of the day putting things in their mouths. Especially toddlers, they seem to put anything and everything in their mouths that they can get their hands on. In 1998, scientists at Rutgers University discovered that pesticides sprayed in a home evaporate from floors and carpets, and then re-condense on plastic and foam objects such as pillows and plush toys. By observing how frequently a group of pre-schoolers put clean toys in their mouths, the researchers calculated that contaminated toys are likely to give young children much higher doses of poison than adults would get in the same environment.

Babies do not excrete contaminants or store them away in fat in the same ways that adults do, making the poisons more available to affect rapidly growing bodies. Furthermore, because a baby's immune system is not fully functional, a baby's body cannot counteract toxic effects as well as an adult can.

If you are pregnant Contact us today! House Cleaners South Manchester 0161 408 2691 because we help you answer the question; Are Cleaning Products Safe For Babies?

If you are pregnant or have babies and children at home, you should avoid using Organic Solvents which can be dangerous to a developing foetus and may be responsible for causing birth defects and harming a foetus's developing nervous system.

House Cleaners South Manchester 0161 408 2691 Are you using safe Cleaning Products Safe For Babies, we are

Our conclusion is that very few shop bought ones are. At we are not only giving you 1 HOUR OF CLEANING FREE no obligation, we also use safe cleaning products for babies, pets and the whole family at no extra cost to you. Call us today! 0161 408 2691

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