Monday, July 16, 2012

Hazardous Household Cleaning Products|0161 408 2691|House Cleaners Manchester UK

Hazardous Household Cleaning Products House Cleaners Manchester UK|0161 408 2691| offers you FREE cleaning and price locks what you pay for 6 months.

Do you house hazardous household cleaning products?

Many consumers tend to think anything sold must be safe. However many exposures to household cleaning substances were serious enough to require treatment in a health care facility.

What makes a hazardous household cleaning product?

Cleaners and polishes are effective for the job they are designed to do because they contain chemicals. As a precaution, use all household chemical products as the label directs. Minimize your exposure as much as possible. Watch for signal words on the label: CAUTION, WARNING or DANGER.

What are the facts about hazardous household cleaning products
Here are the facts on cleaning products, from the health risks involved to what to look for in the label.

What's in your hazardous household cleaning product?

Always read the label. You'll find that there are some pretty dangerous chemicals, which float in the air of your home each time you clean:
1. Acetic acid found in disinfectants
2. Boric acid found in cockroach/insect powders, water softener, germicide
3. Carbolic acid used in disinfectants
4. Formic acid found in deodorizing tablets and fumigants
5. Hydrochloric acid/muriatic acid present in in metal/toilet bowl cleaners, bleaching agents
6. Oxalic acid found in disinfectants, household bleach, iron cleaner, anti-rust polishes
7. Phosphoric acid found in metal/toilet bowl cleaners, rustproofing, disinfectants
8. Sulphuric acid found in drain de-cloggers/cleaners

These acids can burn the skin and may cause itchy rashes, blisters and erosions on areas of the body the acid comes in contact with. When ingested accidentally or intentionally, it can burn or perforate the oesophagus and stomach.

Call House Cleaners Manchester UK|0161 408 2691|We don't use hazardous Household Cleaning Products

Consumer cleaning products like laundry detergents, all-purpose sprays, dish soaps, and scrub sponges often smell like pleasant things found in nature, but their ingredients typically tell a different story. According to a new study out of the University of Washington (UW), many scented cleaning products contain mystery chemicals not listed on their labels that are toxic to health -- including even some "green" products.

Is ther anything we can do to changes hazardous household cleaning products into safe household cleaning products?

As far as cleaning supplies go, a simple vinegar and baking soda solution is a safe and natural alternative to chemical supplies; it is both inexpensive and highly effective. Avoiding products that contain "fragrance" ingredients is also recommended.

Virtually any product that is in your home may have toxic chemicals in it, because there are toxic chemicals in every type of product. If you are not currently attempting to buy non-toxic products, then you probably have hundreds of toxic chemicals in your home. You might find particleboard furniture that emits formaldehyde, and chemicals in synthetic wall-to-wall carpet, a wood stove, and a fireplace. In the kitchen, aluminum cookware, canned food, and cleaning products may contain toxic chemicals. Coffee and chocolate may contain very dangerous pesticides. Now, as I point to this list, I don't want you to think that you can never drink coffee or you can never eat chocolate. You can. You just need to buy organic products. You don't have to be 100 % nontoxic all the time. You need to avoid enough chemicals so that your body can naturally regenerate itself and naturally heal itself, so that your immune system can work properly.

What do hazardous household cleaning products do to your body?

There are four ways chemicals come into your body. You can ingest them; they can get absorbed through your skin; you can inhale them, because they're floating around in the air, and, they can get splashed into your eyes

Call best House Cleaners Manchester UK We do not use hazardous household cleaning products

The number one cause of household poisoning is dish detergent.

Each time you wash your dishes, some residue is left on them. The residue accumulates every time your dishes are washed. Your food picks up part of the residue, especially if your meal is hot. Dishwashing liquids are labelled "harmful if swallowed" for a very good reason.

Call House Cleaners Manchester UK no hazardous household cleaning products used

If a cleaning product contains a chemical that is hazardous, it must by law specify the degree of toxicity by use of a signal word (DANGER:POISON, WARNING or CAUTION).

For house cleaners Manchester who ONLY non hazardous household cleaning products, call 0161 408 2691 and visit to find out how you can get your cleaning for FREE, NO OBLIGATION, NO GIMMICKS, CALL US TODAY!

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